<VV> valve seat set screw retention/tap sizes

Tom Willcox bakwudz@rcn.com
Mon, 19 Apr 2004 19:32:58 -0400

I have a question regarding the "cromwell method" of valve seat retention:
according to two different sources, I am supposed to finish drilling 1/4
inch deep with a 9/64 drill, then tap with a 5/32 bottom tap, then insert a
5/32 set screw.  After searching for hours, my question: is there such a
thing as a 5/32 tap OR fastener?  The only things I have found smaller than
1/4-20 are 8-32, 10-32, 4-40, etc.  Am I missing something obvious, or is
this information incorrect?  Where can I find this stuff?  This is driving
me nuts!  (short drive, btw)


Tom Willcox

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