<VV> (VV) GEN/FAN LITE Arjay Morgan
Sat, 17 Apr 2004 20:57:14 -0700
Give the left end of the generator a smart rap. I'll bet the brushes are
just worn down to the point of no longer making contact. Time for your
annual brush renewal (for a daily driver).
yea, Vairily ... Shaun
PS If that's not it, check the wire terminals at the gen for breaks.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Arjay Morgan" <n3lkz@yahoo.com>
To: <virtualvairs@corvair.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 8:10 PM
Subject: <VV> (VV) GEN/FAN LITE Arjay Morgan
> I'm hoping someone on the list has the troubleshooting
> list for the GEN/FAN light. The background is this:
> Coming back from a car show on a dark and lonely road
> the light came on.
> Pulled over and checked belt. All was well.
> Smartly rapped voltage regulator box. Light stayed on.
> Car has the generator & regulator setup, no
> alternator.
> Pulled both connectors in the engine compartment,
> cleaned same. No joy.
> Frankly, I don't know what makes that light come on.
> Is it low voltage? a switch somewhere?
> Also oddly, we made it the 5 miles to home with full
> panel lights and headlights with no dimming,
> fluttering or any indication whatsoever of electrical
> problems. Just the red light on the dash.
> So, fellow Varians, where do I start? and hopefully,
> someone will have the troubleshooting tree right up
> there in the frontal lobe so I can solve the problem
> Sunday.
> Arjay Morgan
> 64 Monza convert
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