<VV> 8 Track
Louis C. Armer, Jr.
Sat, 17 Apr 2004 12:37:52 -0400
"Buttercup" plays all her 8 tracks just perfectly.........of course
she is a Southern Caddy deVille.
da Chuckster
Chuck Armer
At 09:12 PM 4/17/04 -0700, you wrote:
>At 2213 04/16/2004 -0500, wfcc@juno.com wrote:
> >I picked up a Delco AM/FM 8 Track out of a early 80's Olds today, I plan
> >on installing it in my 64 Convertible. It works fine except when I play
> >my "jesus christ -superstar " tape it sounds like it is being sung by
> >Alvin and the chipmunks and I don't even want to try to keep up with Iron
> >Butterfly and the drum solo in "inna gadda da vida." Any suggestions
> >??
>Two things to look at are the capstan inside the tape slot and the flywheel
>speed adjustment. Check the capstan to see if it has a wrapping of "eaten
>tape" around it, causes the player to run fast.
>The speed adjustment, depending on the model of the radio, is either on top of
>the chassis (accessible through a hole) or on the back. Also, depending on
>the model of radio/tape, the flywheel will have strobe markings on it to
>for "still state" when viewed under florescent light. The top obviously
>has to
>be removed to do this and it also has to be on the bench under the lights.
>Four 1/4" screws and the top pops off easy. You might also wanna look for
>the installation of a wrong belt if someone else has been in it. If all else
>looks OK, try the speed adjustment, should be a blue control (if an "above
>board" type mount) or simply a hole in the back for screwdriver access; in any
>event it should be marked as a tape speed adjustment.
>These old Delco 8-Tracks were pretty well made pieces and were able to provide
>decent performance for their day... and they *do* allow you to play those
>8-track tapes stashed in the closet.
>I must have worked on a hundred of those suckers back when... I think I
>have an older '70s vintage AM/8T radio player somewhere.
>If all else is OK with the Olds player besides the tape speed, it shouldn't be
>much of a problem at all to get it on the right track.. heh.
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CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman