<VV> Re: parking lites on with headlites
Mon, 12 Apr 2004 15:06:39 -0400
Back then, most regulations kicked in on a calendar-year basis, not
model year. The auto companies, most often to keep from producing two
sets of parts for any one year, usually instituted changes (if possible)
with the model year. This lighting requirement wasn't mandated until the
first of the calendar year, but most companies made it standard at the
start of the model year because the sidelights were part of it, and
because of the aforementioned rule of thumb.
Bill Elliott wrote:
> I could be wrong, but I thought it was a 1968 _calender_ year change.... meaning early '68's (actually built
> in '67) would not be affected. And I'll bet that's a majority of the 68's (just a guess...)
> I know that the importation rules start with anything manufactured on Jan 1, 1968... don't see why it would
> have been different for domestic manufacturers.
> On a related subject, does anyone know what waivers the Corvair got from the 1968 DOT rules? One that I
> suspect... the Corvair is the only car in 1968 that I'm aware of that was allowed to maintain a dash-mounted
> igition switch...meaning that the steering column was not locked. You should see the contraptions the Brits
> came up with to meet the US rules in '68....
> Bill Elliott
> >
> >Now, wasn't it the '69 model year that had mandated lighting changes? I could
> >see a '68 with a replacement '69 light switch but none of the '67 cars I've
> >seen had parking lights on w/headlights including the ones that have lived
> >here.
> >
> >
> >There are two '68 models here also and I've not seen those parking lights on
> >with the headlights. Marker lights, yes. Front parking lights, no.
> >
> >Now: Is there perhaps a mid-year change that began after the two '68s here
> >were built that included a light switch which left the front parking lights on
> >with the headlights? Anybody?
> >
> >It's my understanding that the DOT regs mandating front parking lights on
> >w/headlights was a 1969 model year change.