<VV> Powerglide and General Restoration Question
Russell Heim
Sun, 11 Apr 2004 11:16:42 -0400
Thanks to everyone for the quick and informative replies. Regarding the Chevy II comments, I did drive this Corvair yesterday, but not very fast because of the e-clip problem. It was easier to steer than my manual steering Chevy II. The Corvair was a pleasure at low speeds where I have to wrestle with the Chevy II. The Chevy II manual steering is fine once I'm under way. I have radial tires and a stock front end. The radials improve the handling but when you go over 60 mph, you know why Chevy IIs are referred to as grocery getters. The front end is very light and likes to wander.
Another thing I enjoyed while driving the Corvair was that the engine noise was behind me. I've heard a couple of Corvairs run recently and I think they sound great.
I enjoy the Chevy II a lot and I'm going to buy a Corvair. Whether I buy the one I saw yesterday, or a different one, I'm in the market.
Thanks again. Corvair people seem pretty cool, as do most Chevy people.