<VV> Re:Break-in period
Louis C. Armer, Jr.
Fri, 09 Apr 2004 13:25:14 -0400
You don't change oil filters during this break-in sequence?
Chuck Armer
At 08:41 AM 4/9/04 -0400, you wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> #1
> The breakin period is a matter of how you drive the car. If you
>tenderfoot the car all the time then the engine will never get broken in.
>My race
>engine was broken in in 100 miles.
> I have a procedure that I give to all my customers. Basically it says,
>use full throttle on acceleration but do not hold the throttle for extended
>time. Do not hold full throttle for a full RPM shift. Try to keep the RPM
>3000 RPM. Change oil at the first 500 miles. City driving is the best way to
>break in an engine, no long steady trips. At 1500 miles change the oil
>again. You
>can now venture into the higher RPM range for short bursts. At 3000 miles
>change the oil again and you should be ready to do anything with your engine,
>including putting in AMSOIL synthetic.
> This is the short version, if anyone would like my full page version for
>breakin procedure I will gladly send it to them.
> #2
> You will do very well using a 10W-40 oil through out the life of the
>engine, only an older worn engine will benefit from the 20W-50. Some think
>with the higher heat you need the thicker oil, wrong thinking. The 10W-40 oil
>will run cooler than the 20W-50 will at any given temerature and lubricate
>better when cold which is where 90% of the wear comes from anyway.
> Ken Hand
Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman