<VV> 69 clutch cable
Fri, 9 Apr 2004 13:16:48 EDT
<snip>From: "John McMahon"
Subject: <VV> Craig Nicol's clutch cable
Craig Nicol recently wrote:
"Push in the clutch for a final adjustment check and ... POW! I guess it's
time to put in the '69 cable and cross-shaft I have been storing for this
What's the story here? Sounds like there's an advantage, and I'm all about
Oh, well, here's the story...
The 65-8 clutch cable terminates behind the radio with a lead ball. The fork
that pulls the ball and cable is crudely made out of stamped steel. It's
only a matter of time until the lead ball jams in the fork and then everytime you
push on the clutch, you flex the end of the cable until it breaks - usually
in 5:00 traffic.
In '69, after it was all over for Corvairs, as a parting gift to Corvairdom
some very fine engineer at GM developed a clutch cable with an aircraft "heim
joint" end. This "ball bearing" joint may never fail. It's fairly easy to
modify the original 65-8 clutch fork to accept the heim jointed cable end. Fix it
once and never again. The '69 cable is only slightly more expensive than the
65-8 cable (thanks, Cal!)
Craig Nicol
65,65,66,67 Corvairs, 3 out of 4 have '69 cables.