<VV> synthetic oil
Thu, 8 Apr 2004 19:21:43 EDT
Hi all,
The use of synthetic motor oil is one of those subjects that opinions will
vary considerably. And since you asked, here's mine.
First, always use a multigrade oil. Forget 30 wt. That is obsolete stuff.
Next, choose a multigrade oil that matches the temperature range you expect
to encounter while the oil is in use, and also with regards to your engine's
That means, for most applications, 10W-30 for the winter and 20W-50 for the
Now about synthetics......Always use regular conventional SL oil unless you
have the following conditions:
A car that uses NO oil between changes. That is, no oil added in 3000-5000
Extra $$$$ to spend
Have a concours car that you want to keep and drive forever.
Want to brag about the kind of oil you use.
Operate your Corvair in temperatures below -20F or higher than 110F
Have air conditioning in your car and use it in summer temps exceeding 100F.
For 99% of the Corvairs on the road, synthetic oil will only add to the cost
of driving, and nothing else.
Bob Helt