<VV> Long and short brake shoes

Ewell Mills emills5@cfl.rr.com
Thu, 8 Apr 2004 17:46:09 -0400

I don't claim to be any expert on brakes, but thought I would throw in my 2
cents worth.

Back in the late 50's (when I was a whole lot younger) I replaced the brake
shoes on my wife's 52 Kaiser. (Anyone remember those?).
Of course auto adjusters were not available way back then.  Out of ignorance,
I put the shoes on backward on all 4 wheels.  Couldn't hardly stop it in a
ballfield.  Sold it to my Pa-in law who had the good sense to take it to a
brake shop.  All they did was reverse the shoes (correctly) and it started
stopping like it should. Incidentally, the shoes were not of equal length even
way back then, so now I am more confused than ever.

Cecil Mills
Cocoa, Fl.