<VV> Re: Tools make the Mechanic??

UltraMonzaWest@aol.com UltraMonzaWest@aol.com
Wed, 7 Apr 2004 12:44:53 EDT

chapmanmd@charter.net writes:
Ya' know, using tools are what separate us from other barbaric, less evolved 
primates; isn't it? <gggg>

Mark, do not get caught up in the "I need more tools to solve my 
problems"....that's part of the ole "worlds best mechanic"....hoopla....just like a "clean 
/ orderly shop"  is the sign of a good mech.

I work on million $$   gas turbines that cost the owners several hundred 
thousand a day when they are down....and most run 7/24 for 6-9 months at a time....

We all drive SUV's or 1/2 ton P/u's  with tool bags we can carry to the 
units...some are on platforms out at sea.

For years the "electonic testing equipment" was the largest thing to lug 
around...now it's a handheld device....doesn't fit in my pocket...yet!
