<VV> V8 Web Site Published
Rick & Janet Norris
Sun, 4 Apr 2004 13:28:07 -0400
The V8 web site is now published www.corvair.org/chapters/v8vairs .
We have tried to post correct information and available photos, but if any
information is not current or correct please send updates and we will make
We have published most of the information on hand. Unfortunately, we do not
have information or good photos of everyone's vehicle. We would like to
include everyone--please send high quality pictures and verbiage about the
specifics of your vehicle.
If you have V8 cars or merchandise for sale we will be glad to publish that
information--be sure to let us know when you sell or want the information
The site will be updated as new information arrives. Let us know what you
Janet & Rick Norris