<VV> Phoenix Charlie
Larry Forman
Sun, 04 Apr 2004 14:27:07 -0700
Hi Alan,
That is Charlie and this question gets asked frequently and then for FREE
he gets even more notice by everyone. Pretty clever guy.
That is has advertising style.
At 09:12 PM 4/4/2004 +0100, alan WESSON wrote:
>Been meaning to ask this for ages! Can anyone explain Phoenix Charlie's ads
>in the Communique to me? They are arcane to the point of incomprehensibility
>(or do I just not understand Arizonan??). I have been looking and puzzling
>at them for over 10 years now. This month's enigmas (repeated at least 8
>times!) include:
>'Again for the 1st time Briers w/100,000 virgin metal floors panels $950
>each rollers... Phone box not sitting on'
>'Displaced. aft. 20 years Corvair rot-free salvage $20 each US postal M/O
>wants? Need to get! Limited! Not even joking in April! Have a local friend
>What on earth does that mean? If Phoenix Charlie is on this list, could he
>tell me?