<VV> Electric Pumps vs Turn Cut-Out
Sat, 3 Apr 2004 11:47:17 EST
pottsf@msn.com writes:
> I'm interested in knowing whether an electric pump might be a cure for
> the turn cut-out. As I learn more about the cut-out problem, I can see where
> an electric pump (unaffected by engine rpms) might at least help, if not
> cure, the problem, possibly along with sealing of the vents, which would
> have the added advantage, I suppose, of reducing evaporation (odors, loss,
> safety, etc.).
Joe, the "turn cut-out" is exactly that....cut out....cut off...of
fuel....because the fuel in the bowl moves sideways and and UNCOVERS the JET.....
The easiest way to remedy this is to RAISE the float level.....but then a car
that is set up like this, will push fuel out the vent in a LONG hard corner
and cause the engne to FLOOD / run rich / sputter / etc.. That's the reason
for the "extended bowl vents"
The "real" fix for this is to do one of 2 things...
A Re-locate the jets in the bowl [ Steve Goodman / Seth Emerson are 2 that
do / used to do this].
B Use the OTTO carb rotator kit....[ your favorite vendor].
Matt N.
ps I always just raise the float level 1/8" works for the street...