<VV> Regarding the ULTRA cult
Louis C. Armer, Jr.
Fri, 02 Apr 2004 20:34:42 -0500
A "newbie"/ Rookie wrote:
Please help me to shed some ignorance (I'm a newbie). What is an
"Ultra"? I thought it was a reference to a Corvair powered RV?
Mark Tilsley
65 corsa turbo vert
Some few years back, I, FrontMan, formerly of Acme Used Parts, started
the resale division of DeckRug Enterprises aka ULTRA parts. This division
has always referred to the fine, quality, formerly used, but seldom abused
Corvair parts as "ULTRA" parts. Some less informed or educated VVers,
including my boss DeckRug, have lapsed into comas, altered states
(Lincolnton NC), or sugar induced and beer fortified stupors and mistakenly
used the term "Ultra" which has always been reserved for a fine quality made
aircraft-like constructed Aluminium RV Whale and in recent years the top
model of the GM Buick motor division ( Buick Park Avenue Ultra ). You should
always captalize all the letters in "ULTRA" when referring to DeckRug
merchandise or any of the outstanding Corvair LM's using the outstanding
previously owned and used automotive parts, wire, duct tape and spray paint
known as DeckRug Enterprises ULTRA automotive line.
Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman