[V8Vairs] Fwd: V8 Registry Meeting Minutes
Matt Nall
patiomatt at aol.com
Mon Jul 29 21:47:47 EDT 2013
Try that again!
Matt Nall
Charleston, Oregon
JULY 18, 2013
The Annual Meeting of the V-8 Registry was held during theCORSA Convention in Kalamazoo, MI in the Crane Room at the FourPoint Sheraton on Thursday, July 18, 2013. The meeting was called to order by John Lanning, theActing Chairman, at 6:05 PMto a room more than half filled with interested attendees. The chairmanintroduced himself and explained that he volunteered to be the point person forthis year’s Registry meeting after which CORSA and the Host Committee agreed toschedule a meeting location. Past members were notified by email on June 16, 2013 of thescheduled meeting during the convention.
With no CORSA officers or Board members to introduce,Chairman Lanning went on to report that since there was no meeting at the lastconvention in Sturbridge, MA, there were no meeting minutes to read. NoTreasury Report was given because the bank account had been closed after theremaining funds had been spent per information reported by Archibald Evans, thePast Chairman. Checks received for membership dues were not deposited orreturned and were destroyed.
Under Old Business, the Chairman reported that ArchibaldEvans was forced to reluctantly give up his Chairmanship since 2011 when hecontracted Lyme Disease. Mr. Evans reported that due to medical complicationsand resulting disabilities, he could no longer continue in that position.
Due to issues with the Registry’s website, Mr. Evansemployed the services of Adam Silver from Silver Lining Productions to host andrebuild the website. He became ill before the work was completed and Mr. Silverstopped working on the project until he receives $400.00 for his services tothat point. The total cost to rebuild the site is estimated at $1500.00. Mr.Silver also currently owns the domain V8VAIRS.COM and is unwilling to releaseit until he is paid. An annual fee of $100.00 for hosting the site will beadded annually to the fees already incurred per Mr. Evans.
In response to the meeting notification, several pastmembers volunteered their services. Paul Beck volunteered to serve asSecretary/Treasurer. Mr. Beck is already updating the Group Roster and makinginquiries with a bank regarding a checking account. Russ Brandenburg placed Mr.Beck’s name in nomination and he was unanimously elected. Rick Andersenvolunteered to serve as Vice-President and Webmaster. Mr. Andersen has alreadyreviewed the content on the website and indicates that rebuilding it can beaccomplished at no expense. He is attempting to contact Bryan Blackwell whohandles the hosting duties for CORSA. Paul McCreery placed Mr. Andersen’s namein nomination and he was unanimously elected. John Lanning offered to chair theGroup for the next year. Spence Duffy nominated Mr. Lanning to chair the groupand he was unanimously elected by those in attendance.
Mr. Lanning suggested that the Group needs someone to handlethe duties of newsletter chairman. Since a number of members do not have emailaddresses, some members will require delivery by US Mail. The Group consensuswas to not exclude anyone without an email address. Suggestion was made toassist those without email addresses and to help them set one up. Billy Cannonoffered to serve as Newsletter Chairman and his services were quickly accepted.
Rick Andersen had previously suggested that a Forum stylewebsite be considered to allow members to communicate with each other and topost information about their cars. This idea was well received by the attendees.Another thought was to set up a Yahoo Chat Room. This will be discussed furtherwith Mr. Andersen.
There was consensus from the group that we reimburse AdamSilver for his services as soon as funds are available. Paul McCreery made asuggestion that dues be set at $30.00 for the next year to cover Mr. Silver’sfees and then reduced to $25.00 thereafter. General agreement among thoseattending was evident. It was also agreed that Mr. Lanning should contact Mr.Silver and attempt to negotiate a lower settlement than the $400.00 forservices due. Jonathan McCreery indicated that the domain for v8corvair.com isavailable if we cannot get the old domain released.
The matter of liability was mentioned and the Chairmanagreed to consult with CORSA on incorporation status for the Group. Mr. Brandenburg indicatedthat the Registry name had been trademarked, but during the past 20 years ithad never been incorporated.
The Chairman also agreed to check on the availablity ofRegistry T-shirts.
Mr. Lanning reported that during the CORSA Annual Meetingthat he made contact with Ken Hand who is willing to work with Rick Andersenregarding website hosting. Ken indicted that he would contact Bryan Blackwellabout our hosting needs. Curt Shimp also indicted that Bryan would contact us.
Minutes from the meeting will be submitted to CORSA forreview.
Members were asked to fill out membership forms beforeleaving. Nineteen forms were returned. With no further business to conduct, themeeting was adjourned at 6:50 PMand members gathered with their cars on the grassy knoll near the hotel front parkinglot.
Respectfully Submitted,
John A. Lanning, Acting Secretary
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