[V8Vairs] Re: V8Vairs Digest, Vol 17, Issue 4

Steve Goodman rearengine.steve at worldnet.att.net
Wed Jun 14 23:04:36 EDT 2006

----- Original Message -----
From: <azcamino at cox.net>
To: <v8vairs at corvair.org>
Cc: <v8vairs-request at corvair.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:33 PM
Subject: [V8Vairs] Re: V8Vairs Digest, Vol 17, Issue 4

> Steve, thanks for joining in.  I should have given you credit also.
Apparently you was another source that I heard about this from.  I wasn't
aware of the seal issue, though.
> I think the Kelmark Instruction Manual might be addressing this issue.
Here is the quote from the manual:  "Slide new input shaft into transaxle
until it bottoms.  It will be longer than old shaft.  You will note that
there is a polished seal area on new shaft directly behind the splines.  The
original seal can be seen in throw out bearing snout behind split ring
retainer.  If seal area on new shaft contacts old seal, remove old seal and
install the new in the same location.  If shafts seal area doesn't reach old
seal, new seal must be installed flush with the end of the snout.  Do this
by flaring seal with pliers until it is a force fit in end of snout.  Leave
old seal in place."
> Does this address your concern and does this seem like it should work with
the proposed configuration?
> Bruce Tester

Hello Bruce:  I wish I had seen this post before I replied to Marty's.
Bruce, I need NO credit.

In my mind the issue is the placement of the seal surface of the input
shaft.  When the longer shaft is installed, more will be sticking out of the
release bearing shaft.  It does this because the length needs to go the
extra depth of the KELMARK bellhousing adapter.  Since this is the case, the
seal surface is not inside (or at least maybe not enough of it) to properly
contact the seals.  Most today use the new release bearing shaft that is
designed for two seals and I certainly would recommend that as well as the
new seals.  Part of my post to Marty is about spraying diff lube on the
parts, the seals are absolutely needed.  The 'near dimension' seals I found
would run on the smaller shaft diameter of the actual input shaft.  Sorry
but I don't have those dimensions here or in my head.  It is not quite as
tight a fit on the inner diameter as the stock input shaft seals and since
the trans end of the input shaft is slightly larger too, it isn't easy to
slip a bushing over the shaft; that would be way too easy.

My other thought in the past was that if the KENNEDY adapter was used, it
used the stock GM length input shaft anyway.  It did that because Kennedy
built his adapters to be used in a rear mounted form.  To this day I still
look for the 3.5L (215ci BUICK) adapter from KEP and if I found one it would
be my choice.  Sorry to get off the subject here.

Best, Steve

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