[V8Vairs] Reading the Communique

TTTPAULUS at aol.com TTTPAULUS at aol.com
Sun Mar 13 13:39:23 EST 2005

Sorry I don't read the Communique. I have been out of the Corvair community 
for way too many years. I want to get inspired and get my wife inspired (good 
luck) and get back to working on my V8 Vair project. Got into Import 1320 
racing and forgot what was really important :o) 
I think seeing a bunch of water pumpers and talking with some of you 
Vairheads at the convention will get the bucks flowing in the right direction 
If you notice an old guy drooling on your car, that would be me.
See ya in July.
Ted Paulus
66 Crown Corsa
Portland, Oregon

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