[FC] Electric Fuel Pump Shutoff Switch - Has anyone experienced this problem?

ROBERT WILSON scwilson8126 at wowway.com
Thu Aug 17 16:54:18 EDT 2017

Hello All; 
Still experiencing a problem in trying to get my electric fuel pump to work in conjunction with the oil pressure cutoff switch (replaces standard oil pressure switch). 

    * Red lead from pump is connected to the "P"  lead  on oil pressure safety switch 
    * "S" terminal on safety switch is connected to "S" terminal on starter 
    * "I" terminal on safety switch is connected to a terminal on the fuse block that is hot when the ignition switch is in "on" or "start" position (wiring diagram shows it being connected directly to the ignition switch) 

I have confirmed that the starter and electric fuel pump both work. 
When I connect the wires/terminals on the oil pressure safety switch with a jumper wire, the engine turns over. 
I have purchased/tested two oil pressure safety switches and both present the same issue. 
According to what I have read online, there should be some sort of bypass in the switch that lets the engine crank before there is enough oil pressure. 
Could it be that I need to connect the "I" terminal directly to the ignition switch? 
I'm about ready to ditch the safety switch and wire the pump directly to the fuse block. 
Any suggestions?  I am hoping to get it operable for the Woodward Dream Cruise Saturday - I live 1/4 mile away. 
Scott Wilson 
'63 Monza convertible 

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