[FC] start issues

Bill & Chris Strickland lechevrier at q.com
Thu Sep 27 00:32:01 EDT 2012

On 9/26/2012 9:00 AM, corvanatics-request at corvair.org wrote:
> There are some short rubber pieces that connect the steel p[arts of the lines to other steel lines at  junction points as the line enters the engine com partment and again at the pont where the line rises to attach to the steel at the top of the gas tank. The rubber dies and cracks I assume and the suction is lost.

Also -- the steel lines can hole from interior corrosion (or exterior) 
causing the same condition -- a pressurized fuel line -- electric pump 
at the tank -- should cause fuel leaks from any such hole in the line, 
whether rubber or steel -- could also be a hole in the upper part of the 
fuel pickup inside the tank ...

A classic test or two -- fuel pump pressure (via gauge) and fuel pump 
volume (20 seconds should pump at least a pint of fuel)

Bill Strickland

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