[FC] lower shrouds

Karl Haakonsen cityhawk at pobox.com
Thu Jan 5 17:29:40 EST 2012

As a Corvair rookie, I don't have much in the way of experience to add 
to this discussion... I generally tend to agree with those who are 
inclined to trust the engineers who designed the cars originally... 
However, as Mike Mauro pointed out in one of the messages in this 
discussion, the Corvair was developed and tested with 1950s-60s 
gasoline, with regular gas having higher octane than today's premium 
unleaded. The big enemy to Corvair engines is detonation which is 
exacerbated by higher temperatures and lower octanes.

Also, the testers didn't have the benefit of 50 years and many millions 
of miles of collective experience that we do.... Nor did they actually 
plan on the cars lasting for 50 years or more. But if you are running 
your 'vairs with the shrouds on year round with no problems, then why 
bother taking them off? But for those whose heads are running too hot, 
removing the shrouds in the hottest weather seems to be a reasonable option.

Karl in Boston

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