rod murray rmurray8996 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 19:31:32 EDT 2012

i took a piece of bob's advice and applied naval jelly on the screw top and
bottom before i headed to work this morning...will give that a day or so to
do some dirty work and then will take another crack at it...the small
screwdriver approach under the bolt head may be next, and then followed by
the dremel suggestion...so far looks like my cat used my hand for a scratch

- rod

On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 8:02 AM, Steven R. Spilatro <spilatrs at marietta.edu>wrote:

> Rod,
> Ah ha. If the nut is holding and thus the threads of the bolt are stripped
> within the nut, can you tap a thin-tipped screw-driver (or something) under
> the bolt head enough to allow the hopefully good thread above the nut to
> catch?  Granted the threads of the nut are probably shot too, but I have
> used this technique in the past, granted not in the same location, but
> usually this will allow the bolt to begin to extract enough to allow removal
> Steve
> Dr. Steven R. Spilatro
> Department of Biology and Environmental Science
> Marietta College

*"Reloaded in da 'burgh"*

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