[FC] Service Lifts for a home shop

Vairtec Corporation Vairtec at optonline.net
Fri Oct 21 11:30:41 EDT 2011

Tim Colson wrote:
> I looked into hoists when i built the new shop. there was one at the
> nationals i should have purchased. it lifted from the side , had the pump
> (110volt plug in the wall) as a cart separate. it looked very stable and portable.

 From this description I cannot be certain, but it sounds very similar 
to a lift that I intend to get, because I had one for a short while and 
loved it.

A friend in my local Corvair club had one, and during a household move 
he needed a place to keep it while they got settled in to the new home.  
The place he kept it was my garage.  He's lucky that I gave it back!

It can be seen here:


For Corvair use, it has only one disadvantage that I can see:  If your 
car is lowered, it may not clear the lift when driving into or out of 
the garage/shop.  For my friend's lift, this issue was solved by placing 
wooden runners on either side of the lift.  For stock Corvair 95 
vehicles this is not an issue.

Also, while it operated on 110v, make sure you have an adequate circuit, 
as it does consume a fair amount of power when being raised.

While technically it is portable, figure on keeping it right where you 
use it, as it is heavy!  It took two of us, working like the ancient 
Egyptians building the pyramids, using levers and fulcrums, to load this 
lift into a trailer for transport.

It's an excellent unit at a very favorable price, and its design is 
well-suited to Corvair work in a home garage.

--Bob Marlow

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