[FC] 64 Greenbrier intermediate door handle

Rod Murray rmurray at anaheimducks.com
Sun Mar 29 11:57:16 EDT 2009

Trying to fix the handle assembly - basically the guts inside. Missing the spring between the tangs that keeps the outside handle horizontal and also a retainer clip that holds the outside handle arm inside the remote control arm slot (this is the other end of the spring tang thingy. Setup looks different than '61 shop pg 10-110 and not seeing anything in '64 FC assembly manual pg 157-158.  Does anyone know if clarks has these 2 items, or possibly suggested alternatives I can pickup from autoparts store? - mainly I need size info. Btw, I tried brake springs but didn't cut it . suggestions or helpful hints appreciated.

Thx rod
Thx, Rod
(All thumbs - pls excuse typos)

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