[FC] Power outage

Bryan Blackwell bryan at skiblack.com
Thu Jun 5 12:33:25 EDT 2008


You may have seen something on the news about the storms that went  
through the DC area yesterday - one of them took out the power at the  
house.  Ordinarily we get power back pretty in a few hours, but there  
are so many outages they are saying Saturday.

So, first in line at Costco this morning, beat the other old guys to  
the back of the store, and we are on generator power now :-)

There will be some additional outages over the next couple days until  
hard power is restored - this is too noisy to run all night and I  
need to shut it down to change the oil after break in.  Expect the  
server to be up from 7 AM to 10 PM Eastern time until then.

This outage will affect all corvair.org e-mail lists and web sites.   
Sorry for the inconvenience.


--  Bryan Blackwell --
Unix Systems Engineer
bryan at skiblack.com

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