[FC] Trouble sending mail - no Corvair

Bryan Blackwell bryan at skiblack.com
Thu Oct 26 11:12:29 EDT 2006


I have made some further changes to the spam filtering on the server 
for corvair.org.  Although we have the lists set up to hold any mail 
from non-members, the admins of those lists get everything unfiltered 
(by design).  Given the enormous amount of mail that's either spam, 
phishing, or some variety of virus, I have made various changes over 
the years to filter the mail as it hits the server.

The latest round of these are working pretty well, but the side effect 
is that a few folks who have the misfortune to send mail via non 
standards compliant servers get their mail rejected.  I've added a 
whitelist filter to allow mail from those people.  If you're having 
trouble getting your mail through, please send me a note at two 
addresses - this one, bryan at skiblack.com, and my Yahoo account, 
bryanblackwell62 at yahoo.com.  I can then take a look at the logs and see 
what's going on.


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