[FC] Roadtrip to Buffalo-Day 3

Bill Wells brierpath at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 25 08:02:28 EDT 2006

  We made it! We pulled into the Adam's Mark about 9:30pm last night. We left Columbus late, at almost noon and had our first traffic problems in Cleveland during rush hour.
  Gas mileage on both vans kept climbing, with Steve's getting 19.5mpg on the last leg and mine at 22.5mpg. When the headwinds went away, mileage improved alot.
  We met up with Herb Duplant and his wife at a rest stop south of Cleveland, who are fellow club members in Texas. They escorted us all the way to the hotel.
  The scenery was wonderful all through Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York. We jumped off I90 and took Route 5 along the coast into Buffalo. Wow. Wineries on one side and Lake Erie on the other. 
  The hardware held together and the wife and daughter had an enjoyable trip. Now, to get Steve's concours vehicle cleaned up and make preparations to swap my transmission.
  Thanks for coming along,
  Bill Wells

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