[FC] Fw: Racers' Reunion History

BBRT chsadek at adelphia.net
Mon Jul 18 21:28:29 EDT 2005

Subject: Racers' Reunion History

> All are  invited to the 21-22 August 2005 Tenth Anniversary Racers' 
> Reunion.
> For all who may not read the Communiqué or who are newcomers to the list, 
> the Northeast Corvair Council (NECC) Time Trials (TT) and Racers' Reunions 
> (RR) information may be found at www.corvair.org/chapters/NECC.  This 
> year's Racers' Reunion and Time Trial are to be held at BeaveRun 
> Motorsports Complex approximately three miles north of the Pennsylvania 
> Turnpike, exit 13, which is old exit 1B I believe.  First or second exit 
> into PA after leaving Ohio. The web site is given again here: 
> www.BeaveRun.com.
> The Racers' Reunions were begun by Warren LeVeque, levair at aol.com, holding 
> the first event at Mid-Ohio Raceway near Mansfield OH in 1996.  He was
> assisted greatly by Jim Schardt and others.  After the initial get 
> together, events were held yearly in time trial format at various tracks 
> including
> Blackhawk Farms IL, Putnam Park IN, Gateway, Lime Rock CT, Virginia 
> International Raceway VA, Summit Point VA, and BeaveRun.  Many years ago,
> Dan Giannotti and later, Chuck Sadek, joined Warren to provide additional 
> social and technical events at the RR weekend.  We enlisted NECC who has
> been doing Time Trials primarily in the NE for 26 yr, to handle the 
> financial arrangements and events at the track.  Since 2001, we have
> partnered to provide a weekend event that is considered by many to be a 
> must-do event each year.  In 2002 at, VIR, we provided a Program; all 
> color,
> 28 pg plus covers, consisting of photos of all entrants who submitted 
> pictures of their cars; a roster of cars, descriptions and driver names;
> historical articles; the schedule; and advertising by Corvair supporters, 
> all free to entrants.  There may be another this year.
> Chuck S
> YS73

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