[FC] here's smoke in your eyes

Ron corvanatics@corvair.org
Fri Feb 18 18:20:03 EST 2005

Get the rebuilt.  If it's blowing out the filler tube, vitons won't help at 
all.  Is it possible that you have a plugged vent orifice?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ben's Bus" <bensbus@paonline.com>
To: <corvanatics@corvair.org>
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 2:04 PM
Subject: [FC] here's smoke in your eyes

> Hey guys and gals-
> I have been getting burnt oil smell in my heat and some gray smoke comes 
> in
> through the heating vents.  Also, the oil is blowing out the top filler 
> tube.
> The last time my van was in the shop they told me the blow by is getting 
> worse
> and the oil is leaking everywhere.  It was used when I got it.
> Anyway, what are the chances that replacing the Vitons will take care of 
> the
> burnt oil smell (burning on the manifold), and the smoke problem?  I have 
> a
> good lead on a rebuilt 110 engine and a great installation price quoted.
> Would it be smarter to get the rebuilt or fix the smoker??
> Thanks!   Ben
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