[FC] It's "fixed"

corvanatics@corvair.org corvanatics@corvair.org
Tue Sep 28 07:41:04 2004

In a message dated 9/26/2004 1:37:46 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
bensbus@paonline.com writes:

This  bolt had been removed some years earlier, and
probably should have been  replaced sooner.  He used a substantially oversized
bolt and nut  welded to the bracket.

New problem...the van literally rattles and  vibrates when revving the
engine/accelerating through the gears.  Even  the curtain rods and rear view
mirror vibrate to rattles and  blurriness.  So, I am wondering if the replaced
stabilizer bolt could  be the problem?  I know there is a specific torque 
for this bolt  and its jam nut.  I can't locate the specific numbers...and I
NEED  them to see if I can adjust the torque.  My theory is if that bolt is  
tight, (which I think it is) it is holding the drive train too tight  and
thereby sending the drivetrain vibrations (All of them!) directly  through the
frame and into the body.

    There is supposed to be a small gap between the  bolt head and the trans 
X member. Something like 1/8" to 3/16". It is supposed  to stop the forward 
and back ocillations or limit them to help stop the  chatter.
    The torque is just for the jam nut so the bolt  doesn't move. The bolt is 
not supposed to be torqued against the trans mout at  all.
    Now, if we are talking the same part here, I don't  have an FC assembly 
manual here, This bracket should be near the center of the  body X member and 
bolted to the body X member. It is made of some pretty  stout material, like 
1/8" steel with a weld nut and a blot and a jam nut.
    Hope this helps.
    You can scan the page and send it to me.
    Ken Hand