[FC] Wheel Bearings

Clark Hartzel corvanatics@corvair.org
Tue May 4 22:49:05 2004

Another weird thing I had on several FC's was the rear brake drums would rub
against the curved edge of the backing plate.  Probably bad trans mounts
that let the powertrain sag lower than normal.  Fixed that the easy way by
putting washers between the axle and the drum to space it out farther.
Clark Hartzel

-----Original Message-----
From: corvanatics-admin@corvair.org
[mailto:corvanatics-admin@corvair.org]On Behalf Of N2VZD@aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 7:42 PM
To: corvanatics@corvair.org
Subject: Re: [FC] Wheel Bearings

the only thing on the fc so far that kinda caught me by surprise is the
that car aframes are the same? as fc.  i always thought they were bigger.
always learning! regards tim colson
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