[FC] Editing Posts
Thu Jul 29 18:11:03 2004
At the risk of sounding like a whiny butt, would it be asking the members
of this site to please edit your posts when you reply to a previous message.
I get the posts in digest form since I belong to several other groups and the
volume of individual emails gets overwhelming. Im sure a lot of other members
here also belong to more than one website.
What I would suggest is that everyone highlight or cut and paste only
the portion of the original post that pertains to what you are replying about.
This would eliminate the "tag along" group of 4,5 or even more messages that
get reposted along with your reply. It really adds to the amount of material
that you have to weed thru in order to decide just what exactly the person
posting the reply is talking about. It really just boils down to common
and respect for other members.
I would glady assist anyone who doesnt understand what I mean or how
to do this. Thank you for your time.
P.S.- I ve been driving the Corvan to work lately. Its all the thumbs
up that I get while driving it that really make me glad I bought it. Theres
something about a cool old van that brings out the best in people:-)
Tim in Ky
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