[FC] FC - Dual Master

James Davis corvanatics@corvair.org
Tue Jul 6 23:19:00 2004

Most all better glycol based brake fluid have corrosion inhibitors.  That 
said, nothing will stand up to water saturated fluid.  The trick is to keep 
all the water out of the fluid, and if it should become contaminated then 
change it.  I find the cars go about 4 years before needing a brake fluid 
change. FC's and the Ultra Van need changing every two years unless you 
have residual pressure valves then the fluid goes about four years before 
changing.  There is DOT 4, DOT5.1, DOT 6 and DOT 6.1 fluids.  All are 
glycols.   <http://www.wilwood.com/products/master_cylinders/brfld/tech.asp>
Jim Davis

At 08:31 PM 7/6/2004, you wrote:
>So, I'm trying to decide DOT 4 or DOT 5?  Others?  Is there DOT 5A and 5B?
>I know that I've seen this discussion in the past (yrs ago) on VV, but it is
>a bit foggy at this point.  Without trying to start a 10 day thread OR a
>flame war, could you folks offer up suggestions about your favorite and why.
>It is unlikely that I'll be racing the Rampside, although I did autocross it
>once.  That was interesting!  I typically drive the truck when the weather
>is too cool for the convert, but staying away from the SALT season.  So
>Spring and Fall, depending upon temps and precipitation.  Probably in the
>range of 3,000 to 6,000 miles per year.
>I'll be happy to report back my final decision once it is made.
>Attachments are scanned with anti-virus software.
>Later, JR