[FC] Re: <VV> Special Oil Filter Bolt for Sender

Paul Steinberg corvanatics@corvair.org
Tue Feb 10 22:40:02 2004

Aluminum isn't as good a conductor as copper.  I would use a solid copper
gasket.  It might cost $.25 at a good auto parts store, or stop by any
Mercedes Benz dealer and ask them for one.  A new one comes with every oil
filter.  Mercedes recommends replacing them with every oil change!!!!!!
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Jim Simpson
  To: * Greenbrier Goon * ; corvanatics@corvair.org ;
  Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 6:18 PM
  Subject: [FC] Re: <VV> Special Oil Filter Bolt for Sender

  I've used crushable aluminum washer gaskets in place of the standard fiber
  gasket at the base of the bolt.  They are conductive, but it's been a bit
  hit or miss as to getting a good seal.  (I've been using the aluminum
  gaskets from Acura/Honda oil pan drain bolts -- they're the softest I can

  Lately I've just taken to wrapping a piece of copper wire in the gap
  between the bolt and oil filter adapter -- it's snug against the fiber
  washer and pretty well hidden in there.  Seems to work fine.

  Jim Simpson, Group Corvair, '66 Corsa turbo

  At 03:48 AM 2/10/2004 +0000, * Greenbrier Goon * wrote:
  >Hey everybody:
  >I have one of those special oil filter bolts that allow a sender for a
  >gauge to be threaded into it.
  >I have a brass T with the oil pressure gauge sender and the oil pressure
  >switch in it.  The temp sender is in the stock oil pressure switch
  >Anyway, the bolt does not ground to anything when it is installed.
  >Therefore, the senders will not function.  I came up with a quickie
  >temporary solution by taking a piece of galvanized steel wire and wrapping
  >one end around the base of the T and the other end around the fuel pump
  >block-off bolt.
  >Does anyone have a more professional looking solution to this?
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