J R Read_HML corvanatics@corvair.org
Sun Aug 29 18:00:01 2004

I've had the heads off with engine in - in a car.  Imagine that it can also
be done in a truck.  Can't think of any reason why not, but then I have my
engine cover hinged for easy access because there is a car engine in there.
You may have to lower the rear of the engine in order for the head
(especially left one) to clear the frame rail.  Also, might be easier if you
can unscrew the tall carb stud.

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Later, JR
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <imperialdrivein@webtv.net>
To: <corvanatics@corvair.org>
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 3:17 PM

> Hey everyone, Did a compression test today (eng. warm) and got 60 lbs.on
> all cyls.,added oil and got about 130 lbs.on 4 cyls. and about 90 lbs.on
> the others (#2 & #3 cyl.) Engine runs rough @ idle but no real
> smoking.Is it possible to do rings w/eng in truck.Any thoughts? I have
> to find serv.manual.Thanks in advance
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