[FC] 20mpg!:)
Wed Apr 7 23:10:10 2004
Can you tell me some more info about your FC? I soooo want to hit the 20 mpg
range. I greased the bearings, but I think I have a brake that is dragging or
sticking sometimes. Also, the rear tires are baldish. Do you know how many
miles per gallon can be added by fixing this?
I also have taken out my heater. I took it out when I put the engine in and
just have not put it back in. Actually, I won't put it back in. There was a
bunch of eggcorns throughout the engine and Brier when I bought it I am sure
something is in the heating ducts. Why do you take it out?
Going to join :)
trying to get to 20mpg!