[FC] Rampy Maiden voyage...

corvanatics@corvair.org corvanatics@corvair.org
Wed Apr 7 05:56:01 2004

my maiden voyage was with a new fuel pump because i found an oil leak around 
the old one and the gas heater was slow starting, plus the engine had to crank 
a long time after sitting the last few times. well now i have a noise at the 
pump so i took it back out to look, cant get the push rod out even with vise 
grips..so it must be peened over.  now i guess i have to schedule time to pull 
the oil pump housing and see what happened....always something! the old pump 
rusted the push rod at the diaphagm and was leaking oil. it must have been a 
spot for moisture from oil to collect?funny i never see any moisture at oil 
cap.it will be a while before i drive it again , we had snow again so they salted 
the roads very heavily(they are white with it! )           regards tim colson  
waiting for rain