[FC] FC brakes

Bryan Blackwell corvanatics@corvair.org
Fri Oct 10 08:16:01 2003

The folks who I have heard say that FC brakes are small are generally 
the ones who don't drive loaded FCs.  We have driven ours a pretty fair 
amount, including going on vacation over mountains (east coast 
mountains) and not experienced any issues, however as Ken Hand pointed 
out, I do not ride the brakes.  That's with us, three kids, mom, and 
all our luggage for a two week trip, plus Corvair parts purchases along 
the way, "Red" will do an honest 70 on level ground with that load.  
You should know that these brakes are the same size as the full-size 
Chevy wagons of the same time, which outweigh a GB by at least 500 

I have rebuilt the system and am currently running the Underground's 
kevlar metallic shoes - I would suggest one of the semi-metallic 
linings available from the Corvair vendors as a good upgrade.  Having 
experienced a couple of fluid loss problems over the years, I would 
recommend a dual system.  The Source's conversion appears to fit the 
best, that's the one I'd go with there.

On Friday, October 10, 2003, at 02:47 AM, hmoore@sandiego.edu wrote:

> I am putting in a new brake system in my 66 monza sedan and will do 
> the 63
> briers next.  Is there any up grades I should be aware of (part #'s).  
> What
> does everyone think about FC brakes? I was told that when towing and 
> hauling
> heavy things, the brakes can be a bit small.
Bryan Blackwell bryan@skiblack.com
   Corvairs: '61 Lakewood, '64 Greenbrier, '65 Corsa, '66 Corsa
   '69 Road Runner, '97 Ford F-150, '99 Neon R/T
"Why do something if you're not going to obsess about it?"