[FC] FW: round 2

Keith Hammett corvanatics@corvair.org
Fri Oct 3 09:54:01 2003

Last night after work I went out and had a little talk with the rampy.  I
explained to her that I had all the parts to rebuild her front end and help
support her.  She must have liked the thought of letting me fix her up as
that stuck bolt on the front cross member came off really easy.

Since that one came off so easy I couldn't stop and went to work on the
passengers side prepping it for removal of the cross member.  Got the drum
off (after much persuasion with a BFH).  Went to remove the wheel cylinder
anchor bolt and could not budge it!  I kept working at it tightening and
then loosening with the air wrench, she finally came off.

I now have the cross member out of the truck and in the garage so I can
replace the original ball joints and bushings.  Does any body have a
procedure for replacement of the bushings with out using a press, or am I
going to have to find one that I can use?

Keith (no skinned knuckles) Hammett