[FC] PG Trans pan Leak

Gary Swiatowy corvanatics@corvair.org
Sat Nov 8 09:32:00 2003

It may not be the "o" ring, but still be the cable. These cables have been
known to leak and the fluid run back down the outside of the cable  and down
the transmission. There is a way to fix this by using shrink tubing, refer
to tech guide for specifics. Check the cable to see if there is any trace of
This usually happens on my vair when it has sat for a week and the torque
converter drains back into the pan and the fluid level rises sufficiently to
raise the level of fluid where it runs down the inside of the cable to where
it has formed a leak.
Gary Swiatowy

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gail P Policella" <gailvair@juno.com>
To: <corvanatics@corvair.org>
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: [FC] PG Trans pan Leak

> I replaced the o-ring on the cable and have made careful notice that
> there is no sign of oil anywhere above the upper portion of the gasket.
> John P.
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