[FC] Filer panel, part 2

corvanatics@corvair.org corvanatics@corvair.org
Thu Nov 6 07:43:01 2003

In a message dated 11/6/2003 1:11:45 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
jfwells@ptd.net writes:
Even with the heater working the Corvan won't be a sauna
but a little bit of something is way better than 100% of nothing!
    If you get the heat working some, hang a blanket or something right 
behind the seat to close off the rear area. You can stuff the edge of a blanket 
between the roof rib and the roof. Also if you have a rear heat vent block it 
off. This effectively reduces the size of the area that you are trying to heat. 
We did it for years in our Ole' Blue.
    Ken Hand