[FC] website?
Sun Feb 9 20:40:02 2003
In a message dated 2/9/03 8:35:39 AM Eastern Standard Time, N2VZD@aol.com
> would the person who has the website with van seat/shoulder belt pictures
> please repost the address...thanks from tim colson and others........
I do not believe the page I use for posting will allow access via a direct
link. However, Tim, you will receive an invite which will arrive as an
email...A working link will be in the email. For others wishing to see the
Greenbrier seat belt installation, simply go to: webshots.com; use the photo
search on the home page...enter: Greenbrier Seat Belts. My other webshot
albums are:
Greenbrier A/C, 1964 Greenbrier Deluxe, 67 Corvair Coupe, and Corvair Spyder.
Mike Mauro