[FC] Shifter Terminology
Keith Jarvis
Sat Apr 26 18:43:00 2003
I've got a question, and I can't really decipher the Clarks shifter blowout
diagram, nor the CU one. And my manual is just as helpful as could be,
showing me exactly what the shifter looks like, but giving no info on the
part numbers or names. My shifter is squeaky, and difficult to use. When I
pull back into fourth, it squeals like a cat on fire. It's also pretty tough
to get it into gear over on that side. The shifter is all around rough, and
there is no way to lube it that I can see. I did pour some lube on the shaft
where it passed through a hoop at the foreward edge of the floor pan, and
that helped for a while, but I can only assume that there's supposed to be a
bushing there (I _think_ I see one in all of the diagrams). Anyone know the
name of this bushing, or a part number?
Aaron Walker - Phoenix, AZ