[FC] Rear end noise

Keith Jarvis corvanatics@corvair.org
Sat Apr 26 17:22:01 2003

Last time I had a low volume muffled "tock", it eventually became a high
volume tock and it turned out to be a U-joint that had lost it's cap, and
the opposite side had eventually worn into a cone. The problem with mine
turned out to be that the pressed-in yolk rings had been damaged, and wasn't
holding the cups sufficiently (side to side play causing a light tock noise
at steady cruise and on deceleration, but very minimal noise on
acceleration) , and one side just fell out. Having inspected the screw in
strap side every time and checking the torque, I figured my U-joint was
fine. A 60mph rainy night drive to work which ended with a wiped out
adjuster, adjuster hole down bolt, and speedometer cable finally illuminated
the error of my ways. There really aren't a whole lot of things that could
be causing a wheel-rotation speed noise in the rear end. The sqeaking sound
I can't really say. Just to make sure you're not chasing ghosts, check all
the caps on your U-joints to make sure they're secure, the clips are in
place, etc. Then jack the wheel up again, turn the wheel forward, then back,
and see if you feel any "slop". Also check an up or down movement to see if
there's slop in the wheel bearing. That will pretty much determine whether
or not it's in the joints. Just my amateur opinion. Other than that, you're
in the realm of the differential, which frightens me to this day, and I have
no idea what it could be inside there.

Aaron "Arthritis of the U-joints" Walker - Phoenix, AZ
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charles M. Wrobel" <r75@shaw.ca>
To: <corvanatics@corvair.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2003 10:51 AM
Subject: [FC] Rear end noise

> Gentlemen
> There is an unkown noise coming from my van's rear end.
> It is kind of a low volume muffled "tock". It is in
> sequence with the rotation of the wheel. I think one
> revolution equals one tock but I will be checking that.
> I jacked the left rear wheel off the ground keeping the
> spring under load and turned the wheel but no sound. The
> bearings sound fine.
> Also, and probably related, there is a mild squeaking
> rhythm when decelerating in second gear. It sounds much
> like dry u-joint but my u-joints are new under six
> months old and installed by mechanic.
> any thoughts?, thanks
> Charles
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