<span style='font-family:Verdana'><span style='font-size:12px'>Dave<br />
Here is a little of what I have been doing lately. This was printed in a local running paper.<br />
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                         <br />
                        This is Belgium. Where everything is different. Such as a nude bycicle ride<br />
                        through the city streets, right turn on to city streets without so much as a<br />
                        pause to check oncoming traffic and driving motor vehicles on the bike path.<br />
                        <br />
                         <br />
                        My wife, Elaine Cromwell, and I are visiting our daughter and grand daughter in<br />
                        Brussels, Belgium. July 2nd, we entered a cross country 5k fun run. This was a<br />
                        little different from any other race I ever participated in.<br />
                         <br />
                        We had to take 2 trams to the start of the race. While waiting for the trams and<br />
                        watching the clock tick it was begining to look like we were going to be late.<br />
                        Finally on the second tram, my daughter started getting ready by putting on her<br />
                        running shoes, you know the kind that look like apes feet! Well that got a lot<br />
                        of stares from all the passengers within her view. Finally it got to be too much<br />
                        for one woman and in French she asked what were they? Lucky for her my wife<br />
                        speaks French and explained it to her. Its a good thing because I think she<br />
                        would be telling her friends she saw a yeti on the tram.<br />
                         <br />
                        We got to the start line on time, and after a short memorial we were ready to<br />
                        run. We ran up a narrow muddy path into the woods. We had to side step a few<br />
                        puddles, rocks and other debrie finally coming out on to a decent path. Oops<br />
                        wrong turn! The guy chasing me on his bike got me back on the right trail.<br />
                        Rounding the ponds with ducks and geese made for a pretty route and much<br />
                        appreciated shade.<br />
                        <br />
                         <br />
                        It was rough on these 80 year old legs, but they held together long enough to<br />
                        get me accross the finish line in 38:54. Not bad with that rough terrain and in<br />
                        a foreign country.<br />
                        <br />
                         <br />
                        Charles Cromwell</div>
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