<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><DIV>I went to the Jaguar Association of N. England's Spring slalom today...and stupidly left the camera at home!!!! <BR><BR>Here are my times: <BR><BR>1. 59.900 (getting warmed up) <BR>2. 58.616 (nice, getting faster!) <BR>3. 60.323 (not bad, skidding thru all turns, hitting the gas too late) <BR>4. 65.328 (serious carb boggage!!) <BR>5. 58.730 (no bogging, but swerved around a cone too close and lost momentum) <BR><BR><BR>Last year, it was: <BR><BR>1. Off-Course (got lost in all those cones!) <BR>2. 70.560 (had a passenger who knew what he was doing) <BR>3. Off-course (killed 2 cones and then got lost) <BR>4. 62.029 (I think I got it now!) <BR>5. 59.648 (at least I got under a minute!) <BR><BR>I've attached a plan of the course...you basically do an hour glass, then a figure 8, then a big oval
to the outside....REAL nice cars, fast drivers, great people. I was the slowest one out there in my "little old lady" 102 pg...but I loved it!!! Fastest car was 38 seconds...a real pro!</DIV></div><br>