BSCC- A BSCC Member is 100 years young today!!

Jason Cesana jacesana1 at
Thu Oct 11 18:14:17 EDT 2018

Geez. There’s days I hope I make 50! Lol
Happy Birthday to Jim. Quite a nice guy and indeed a true gentleman.

Jason Cesana
Member Buick Club of America
Member Bay State Corvair Club
Member Conneticutt CORSA
Member Dirigo Corvair
Member New Hampshire Corvair Club
Past CORSA President
Past CORSA Board Member
Past Bay State Corvair Club President

> On Oct 11, 2018, at 5:17 PM, Marcia Connors <marciatconnors at> wrote:
> Marcia and Jerry Connors join you in wishing a happy one hundredth birthday!
>> On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 2:02 PM RAYMOND BOMBARDIER <bomma at> wrote:
>> Yes, you read that right.  BSCC Member 'Gentleman Jim' Turner from Hopkinton, NH is celebrating his 100th Birthday today.  We congratulate Jim on this milestone event and join with his friends and families, (both blood & Corvair), in wishing Jim continued good health and happiness in the years ahead. Happy Birthday dear friend and may God bless you. 
>> From all your friends here at Bay State Corvairs!
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