BSCC- This weekend

Karl H. bostonvair at
Fri Sep 15 19:36:42 EDT 2017

thanks Paul!

And if anyone is going from the Red Roof to Clark's in the morning and has
room for a passenger, I'd like to get there early to help set up.

On Sep 15, 2017 2:10 PM, <pzangari at> wrote:

> Karl,
> With any luck the info you're looking for is here:
> chapters/chapter017/clarksshow.html
> See you tomorrow - daytripping up.
> Paul Zangari
> --- bostonvair at wrote:
> From: "Karl H." <bostonvair at>
> To: Bay State Corvairs <bsc-list at>
> Subject: BSCC- This weekend
> Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2017 11:52:15 -0400
> Hi everyone,
> I'm a bit out of the loop, but im really looking forward to going to the
> Clarks show this weekend. I will be coming with my whole family we will
> probably be arriving a little bit on the late side this evening. Does
> anybody know what is happening this evening at what time? Secondly I would
> like if possible to catch a ride with somebody tomorrow morning over to
> Clarks and I can help set up.
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