BSCC- Bay State Corvair Meeting tonight!

Karl Haakonsen cityhawk at
Wed Jan 27 16:21:02 EST 2016

I am alas working tonight. :-(

On 1/27/2016 7:39 AM, David McMillan wrote:
> Just a gentle reminder, our first monthly meeting is this evening 
> (Wednesday, January 27th) at 7pm at the Tavern in the basement.
> If you haven't re-upped for 2016 yet, this would be a great time to 
> get out to socialize with the group, chat about your winter project 
> and ensure your name is on the 2016 list!     ;-)
> If you can't make the meeting tonight, but want to renew your dues, 
> reply to me and I'll send you the renewal form so we can get that 
> taken care of.
> We'll have the revised by-laws to vote on, the Member of the Year 
> Award to...uh, award, and discuss the coming year's events, among 
> other items that Ray B has cooked up for the agenda.
> Hope to see you there!
> Dave

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