BSCC- A big "thank you"

David McMillan dmac632000 at
Thu Oct 11 09:08:09 EDT 2012

Hey folks, I just want to send out a huge public "Thanks" to Jason Cesana for coming to my aid as I was stuck on Route 295 near exit 10 very early in the morning yesterday. My company held it's first annual (maybe bi-annual) car show for employees yesterday and I was on the road in my Vair (which by the way has NEVER had a driving issue in all the time that I've owned it since 1998). Driving down the hill on 295 north coming upon exit 10, the motor jsut stopped running, as if it had just run out of gas. I had just tanked up after the Cruise to Provincetown last weekend, so no, I did not forget to have gas in the tank! I thought perhaps the in-line filter had clogged, so I jacked the car up, took the left rear tire off and removed the filter, replacing it with some gas line hose I had. That wasn't it, so next I'm thinking it was the fuel pump. I realized at that point that I did not have the spare fuel pump I thought I had, so I thought, "Who do
 I know in the area that I can contact?" Jason came to mind, and I knew that he would probably be up and ready for work, so I sent him a text and crossed my fingers. Seconds later he told me he would be on the way with his spare. I was in the process of taking the pump out when he showed up, the spare pump in hand. Before we did anything, I tried to start the car once to show him the issue, and he mentioned that he smelled gas, so perhaps it wasn't the problem. Well after poking around inside the engine compartment, he announced, "I've found the problem!" One of the wires that connect to the coil had snapped off the wire connector. He went to his truck, got some wire cutters while I removed the spare tire, then reconnected the wire to the coil. Voilah! The car fired up. After tightening up the fuel pump again, I was on my way. No more problems (I still have to get a new connector on it, first chance I get).
Thanks so much Jason!
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