BSCC- Fw: Lifemobile Events in New England

David McMillan dmac632000 at
Tue Nov 27 09:02:24 EST 2012

Hey folks,
Just a heads up, I got this e-mail (see below) from Jonathan. I met him at the Convention and dealt with him prior to for his advertising in the Souvenir Booklet. Very nice guy. I've also read his book, which is an excellent read. 
Also! Don't forget the monthly meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) night at the Tavern! Officer elections...and pizza!

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jonathan Rintels <jonr at>
To: newell6055 at; ginnyb at; David McMillan <dmac632000 at>; a65corvair at; Calvin Clark Jr <clark3 at>; ctcorsa1 at 
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 12:56 PM
Subject: Lifemobile Events in New England

Dear Corvair Enthusiasts in New England,

I want to bring to your attention my new novel, Lifemobile, that has been so warmly embraced by the Corvair community, and alert you that I will be in Vermont and Massachusetts in the first week of December doing several book reading and signing events, listed below. I'd be grateful if you might publicize these events to your club memberships and others who might be interested.

Monday, December 3, 7 p.m., Brattleboro, Vermont. Brooks Memorial Library, 224 Main Street. Directions are here.

Tuesday, December 4, 6:30 p.m., Woodstock, Vermont. Norman Williams Public Library, 10 The Green. Directions are here.

Saturday, December 8, 2 p.m., Watertown, Massachusetts.Asperger's Assoc. of New England, 51 Water St. Directions are here.

Lifemobile tells the story of Benjy Bennett, an honor student with Asperger’s Syndrome, who upon graduation from high school despairs that “there’s no place in this world” for someone as different as him. But then his father brings home a “Deathmobile” – an old Corvair, the Sixties car that Ralph Nader famously labeled “unsafe at any speed.” When Benjy learns that the U.S. government eventually found that the unconventional Corvair was in fact "as safe or safer" than other cars, he identifies with it, believing that the quirky car is “not disabled, just different,” as he is, and has been unfairly stigmatized by a world that does not understand it, just as he has. Taking Benjy and his father on a wild and emotional ride full of colorful characters and comic adventures, the Deathmobile becomes their “Lifemobile,” ultimately helping them both discover Benjy’s own uniquely satisfying place in this world.

Lifemobile has received generous praise from readers and critics, including:

In this lovely first novel from Jonathan Rintels, what begins, literally and figuratively, as a reclamation project for the much maligned Corvair grows into a sweet, moving celebration of the bond between fathers and sons – the way their flaws can magnify each other and their virtues can save each other. Written with a deft touch, an engaging wit, and a sure eye for what will ring warm and true, this is an incredibly engaging story that anyone would treasure. It might even make you go out and buy a Corvair.

                                                                                                Robert Bianco, TV Critic, USA Today

Lifemobile has also had a very warm reception from the community of people impacted by Asperger's, who find it inspirational and educational, as well as entertaining.

There's more info and comments about the book on its website,  Other events in New England may be added to the tour; for the latest list, please visit the website.  

If you would like to discuss arranging a book event, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Many thanks for your help,

Jonathan Rintels

Jonathan Rintels
202.630.3312 v
202.903.4081 c
jonr at
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